Watch Blog

Stuff I watched!! But specifically movies and TV shows (and maybe plays idk), no online stuff, that'd get crazy.

☆☆☆☆☆: wow.... dogshit
★☆☆☆☆: thought it was pretty bad
★★☆☆☆: didn't like it much
★★★☆☆: it was fine
★★★★☆: enjoyed it
★★★★★: adored it
▬▬▬▬: no rating


new Severance: Season 2 (2025)★★★★★
Hundreds of Beavers (2022)
A friend had two spare tickets to go along to this and I'm sooo glad he invited us because this was the best movie I'll watch this year. Unexpectedly extremely funny, great layering of jokes, and really charming effects.
Mickey 17 (2025)
Every criticism I had was blasted out of my brain the second Nasha was like "I'm going to fuck both of you".
Barbarian (2022)
A rewatch - it doesn't hold up as well the second time around since so much of the enjoyment comes from having no idea what will happen next, but I'm basing this rating off my first viewing.
Companion (2025)★★★★☆
Trollhunter (2010)
Another rewatch for the first time in a while and again I really enjoyed the first half and then the second half drags. Am I too picky? No, it's the film-makers who are wrong.
Men (2022)
Here's the thing. This movie is boring. It's painfully slow and could have been tightened up a lot. It's clear what the film's thesis is, and the symbolism is pretty obvious. However, when I first saw it back in the cinema when it came out, there were elements that really stuck with me, and I'm not just talking about the end sequence. The tunnel scene also nestled firmly in my brain. I think this is a dull movie with commitment to its idea and I think the ending rules and I'm giving it four stars and I don't recommend anyone actually watch it.
Skew (2011)
Rescued this from a pile of DVDs my parents were getting rid of and dear god. It's only not a zero star movie because there was a little guy they greenscreened to look like he was running alongside the car real fast and I enjoyed that
Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024)★★★☆☆
Nosferatu (2024)I have the feeling a lot of my ratings are going to be really polarising. I adored the first half of this, okay? And I really liked the contract.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
This was a rewatch and it was fucking boring at times but you know what. There are some great scenes in this. It holds up as a goofy action movie