To read list:

  • The City & the City
  • The Three-Body Problem
  • The Transgender Issue
  • I'm Glad My Mom Died
  • Because Internet
  • The Library at Mount Char
  • Orpheus Builds a Girl
  • Pine
  • Railsea
  • The Panopticon
  • The Rain Wild Chronicles
  • The Old Kingdom Series
  • Ducks

Read Blog

I wanna read more!! If I make a page on my site that I get to update every time I read a book, maybe I will read more!! Latest books & comics at the top.

☆☆☆☆☆: wow.... dogshit
★☆☆☆☆: thought it was pretty bad
★★☆☆☆: didn't like it much
★★★☆☆: it was fine
★★★★☆: enjoyed it
★★★★★: adored it
▬▬▬▬: no rating*


new Dune by Frank Herbert
This book frustrated the fuck out of me. There were quite a few bits I genuinely really enjoyed, but I got so sick of the repetitive writing and how every character knew everything all the time always. Shut the fuck uppppp. Sometimes a classic can stay a clasic and you don't need to read it.
My Mum is a Wolf by Shuning Ji▬▬▬▬
Rusalka: Part 1 by Kamila Krol▬▬▬▬
Laugh Riot! by Io & Jonas Goonface★★★★★
A Gift of Crows by Chris Manson▬▬▬▬
Bittersweet by Gordon Shaw
A short comic about Shaw's struggle with and attempts to cope with his brain cancer diagnosis. Some other autobio related to brain cancer that I would recommend are Estrela d'Oeste by Ashling Larkin, and Living with Cancer: Our Stories by CHIP Collective.
Dog Body by Lily Vie
I think this was my favourite comic from SBCF2024!
CLUMP by Ellen Mei▬▬▬▬
Fabulosa! The Story of Polari by Paul Baker▬▬▬▬
Burn With Me by Steven Ingram▬▬▬▬
The King's Warrior by Huahua Zhu★★★★☆
A Night Ride to the Day by Breeze Hu
Absolutely adored the visuals in this, purely on art alone this would be 5 stars.


Expiry Date by Sloane Hong▬▬▬▬
Clair de Lune by Xulia Vicente▬▬▬▬
Chrysalis by Kris Rozich▬▬▬▬
Bobo has an offer for you by PAVINA▬▬▬▬
BLEED ANY% by Blue Delliquanti▬▬▬▬
Ballad for Black Cassandra by Olivia Stephens▬▬▬▬
Pandora Opens the Box of Catastrophes by Alex Siple▬▬▬▬
A Pretty Good Wizard by Claire Weber▬▬▬▬
Alas by Sajan Rai▬▬▬▬
Aglaeca by Mohnfisch▬▬▬▬
Home by the Rotting Sea by Otava Heikkilä▬▬▬▬
In Fair Verona by Val Wise▬▬▬▬
The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemison
I couldn't put the first book in this series down. I couldn't pick this book up to fucking finish it.
Dungeon Meshi vol. 1 by Ryoko Kui★★★★☆
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
One of the best comics I've ever read. Exceptional use of colour and layouts, fantastic ending, I wish I could make something half as good as this.
The Dancing Plague by Gareth Brookes
I loved the use of mixed media in this comic, a couple of the embroidered elements were some of my favourite comic visuals in a long, long time.
The Wilds by Aimee Lockwood & Russell Jones▬▬▬▬
Step by Bloody Step by Si Spurrier & Matias Bergara★★★★★
Thieves by Lucie Byron★★☆☆☆