Language-related links
Conlang & conscript resources
- The Language Construction Kit by Mark Rosenfelder
- A Conlanger's Thesaurus and the Swadesh lists - two good resources for choosing your language's base words
- Vulgar: a Fantasy Language Generator - has a free version but the paid version is only like 20 quid and has loads of useful features
- Learn NOT to speak Esperanto by Justin B Rye
- Conlang syntax tests
- A method of generating "flavoured" words
- Omniglot - the online encylopaedia of writing systems & languages
Cool & interesting conlangs & conscripts
- Ardalambion - a comprehensive site on Tolkien's languages (if you're interested in Tolkien, I also recommend A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages, edited by Dimitra Fimi & Andrew Higgins!)
- Toki Pona - a conlang with extremely limited words
- Oou: the insane language - "even Oou experts cannot communicate clearly using it, as miscommunication and confusion are integral to the language"
- Ithkuil - a language that uses "a matrix of grammatical concepts intended to express deeper levels of human cognition more overtly, logically, and precisely than natural languages"
- Hanziyu - a language based on Chinese characters
- Seraphim - a multi-channel angelic conlang
- Tapissary - a hieroglyphic language
- Lernu - the website for learning Esperanto
- sona pi toki pona - playlist of videos to learn Toki Pona
- Wanikani - great system for learning Japanese kanji
- Scottish Gaelic on Duolingo - yeah yeah I know about the memes but the Scottish Gaelic course is actually really good
Cool & interesting languages
- Silbo Gomero - whistle register of Spanish
- Tut - a coded language spoken by Black slaves in America
- West African talking drums
Language videos I like
- Atypography - Art Movement Introduction - not necessarily a language-related video, but it's typography, it counts
- How English CHANGED Chinese Forever
- Uppestcase and Lowestcase Letters
- w
- Why Koko (Probably) Couldn't Talk (Sorry)