Zhavise Dictionary

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afternoon porik noun
agree babarin verb
agreement babar noun
airport/hoverport enkekar noun
anger malya noun
angry malyo adjective
animal nuth noun
apartment niket noun
argue fibyin verb
argument fibyo noun
arm fecho noun
armour eubas noun
armoury enkeubas noun
arrow koyi noun
ask ingin verb
attempt areyii noun
aunt noa noun
back vuk noun
bag ibto noun
bank enkevet noun
bark bavuben verb
battle hishuf noun
bay etuji noun
be varin verb
be able aisen verb
beach satku noun
beautiful zhiino adjective
beauty zhiina noun
become zhamin verb
bee zuzu noun
begin ivun verb
belief fie noun
believe fien verb
bench iyata noun
berry kyet noun
big ardo adjective
bird viti noun
black iinu adjective
block (in printing) chok noun
blood vauti noun
blue tambi adjective
boat vanene noun
boil ebakilin verb
bone vala noun
book avingir noun
bookcase donavingir noun
boot (clothes) ukang noun
bottle dil noun
bow (weapon) asir noun
box bon noun
brave matho adjective
bravery math noun
break oyajerin verb
bridge yoch noun
bright keo adjective
bring nodijin verb
broken oyajero adjective
brother choe noun
brown atrim adjective
bubble atho noun
build oatothen verb
burn ketujin verb
butter mish adjective
buy piilan verb
cafe ezuld noun
calendar avingoyiv noun
call shichkan verb
candle abazkoichi noun
capital perim noun
car eimu noun
careful terko adjective
careless yusajo adjective
carrot gher noun
carry pethin verb
carved aninano adjective
castle yadanshung noun
cat myam noun
catch odamin verb
cave inoilau noun
ceremony brenet noun
chair kunig noun
change angovein verb
cheek sye noun
cheese igu noun
chest asher noun
child mezhet noun
chin eka noun
choose thijin verb
cinema shungoneik noun
city loref noun
claw ihu noun
clever oishko adjective
clock tikti noun
clothes abring noun
cloud biba noun
coat abid noun
coin inu noun
cold moz adjective
collect thuisin verb
collection thuisir noun
colour yuna noun
computer bonzhavise noun
continue atagrin verb
cook ebin verb
country yevos noun
cousin tefdu noun
cover yochin verb
cow mon noun
coyote aru noun
crazy yasofo adjective
crow kar noun
crystal kuo noun
crystalsmith kuoene noun
currency vet noun
cut zhaunten verb
cute chejo adjective
dagger basos noun
dance zhiinirn verb
danger arvu noun
dangerous nevopo adjective
daughter oazhi noun
day oyiv noun
dead kivko adjective
death kivka noun
decide joafin verb
deep oringo adjective
desert nunthu noun
desire reshiti noun
desk raus noun
dictionary thuisithurn noun
die kivkan verb
dirt enushu noun
district ayu noun
do thein verb
dock enkvanene noun
dog ang noun
door aksab noun
draw (picture) iinpramin verb
drawing iinpram noun
dream iba noun
dress ayuya noun
drink daban verb
dust isank noun
eagle iigh noun
ear uvathul noun
east voenke noun
eat kekaun verb
egg foduth noun
electricity nedzhu noun
enjoy yanan verb
evening asis noun
evil ninavo adjective
excitement alane noun
exciting alano adjective
explain leikigan verb
explanation leikiga noun
eye miv noun
eyebrow gramiv noun
fall jiyen verb
false nikao adjective
famous apospo adjective
farm ayns noun
father auva noun
feather bizhad noun
feel yoifin verb
feeling yoifi noun
ferry pithi noun
field vaso noun
fight itwin verb
fin kam noun
find ilozhin verb
finger taitepeth noun
fire nakt noun
fish shin noun
flower firn noun
fly karin verb
follow yefikin verb
food kekau noun
foot shochii noun
footprint fuipshochii noun
forehead vaunye noun
forest zholin noun
forgive gongen verb
frame (in printing) thuisirene chok (lit. "block collector") noun
friend zhare noun
friendly zharo adjective
frog kirku noun
gap epethk noun
garden nodi noun
gate zintir noun
get (retrieve) edokun verb
gift seimsi noun
giggle eviktbin verb
give seimsin verb
glass dato adjective
glass dat noun
glen las noun
glove abringpeth noun
go braroshin verb
good cheyo adjective
gold apud noun
grateful nyaris adjective
green voil adjective
grey ozhich adjective
grow anvogein verb
guard bazo noun
guide zheten verb
guide (item) zhete noun
guide (person) zhetene noun
gun kant noun
hair gran noun
hand peth noun
happen rilipin verb
happiness yana noun
happy yano adjective
harbour (natural) geya noun
harvest pethkekau noun
hat kepa noun
have rishin verb
have to veitirin verb
haven ugiln noun
head vaun noun
health ipta noun
healthy ipto adjective
hear uvathlin verb
heart aos noun
help saoin verb
hill mayathi noun
hip athut noun
hiss iu noun
hiss iun verb
history aghin noun
hit chun verb
holiday oyivorako noun
holy orako adjective
honorific glazhur noun
hook lusa noun
hope iyuji noun
hope iyujin verb
horse kare noun
hospital adzhi noun
hot muso adjective
house shung noun
hoverbike karekari (lit. "hoverhorse") noun
how galu interrogative
ice irn noun
include brisitin verb
information thuisiroja noun
ink gish noun
ink roll prata gish noun
interesting favo adjective
invitation hlofya noun
invite hlofyan verb
iris (flower) esha noun
island efau noun
ivy yei noun
jacket biila noun
jeans sende noun
jerk (insult) iti noun
join kein verb
jump dizhausen verb
jumper grol noun
keep naothin verb
kettle toc noun
kill thelkivkan verb
kind uso adjective
knee soik noun
know yojan verb
knowledge yoja noun
lake fuon noun
land bre noun
laugh aviktin verb
law arins noun
lead thoarin verb
leading (in printing) kwipene (lit. "splitter") noun
learn dayojan verb
leave kangjuan verb
leg kengo noun
let avoiklen verb
library shungavingir noun
lightning nedzhu noun
lip shamom noun
live alin verb
lizard skiska noun
location enka noun
lost keicho adjective
lose keichin verb
love sing verb
luck osakil noun
lucky osakilo adjective
lukewarm mu adjective
magic zha noun
magic storm esho zhavis noun
make theltin verb
map merima noun
market enkethuyu noun
marry tazhin verb
mean eichen verb
meaning eiche noun
meal yavyu noun
meat itso noun
meet sporin verb
meeting spor noun
memory engaur noun
mist foth noun
moan fithun verb
money vet noun
month eri noun
morning frare noun
moss isanu noun
mother auva noun
mountain thesa noun
mountain pass diizh noun
mouse skirki noun
mouth manya noun
move oayin verb
movie oneik noun
muddy igu adjective
museum shungengaur noun
music nisa noun
name chose noun
navigate pasan verb
neck eisii noun
need vausit noun
need vausitin verb
needle moth noun
new ariro adjective
next do adjective
nod vaunin verb
north soenke noun
nose thoit noun
notebook inisavingir noun
number es noun
oak ang noun
ocean amiit noun
old emoro adjective
open daoin verb
orange esif adjective
outpost nagtas noun
owl yoj noun
pain zhaudizh noun
painful zhaudizho adjective
paper itif noun
parade aufidi noun
path pas noun
pay greshin verb
pen bebas noun
pencil bas noun
person (agender) anse noun
person (boy) anfe noun
person (demiboy) anje noun
person (girl) ande noun
person (demigirl) anbe noun
picture duk noun
pillow hif noun
pine nuad noun
plains malok noun
plateau vivyoa noun
play dunzhin verb
point bethe noun
pond fuonbi noun
poor atheto adjective
popular aposo adjective
present (gift) seimsi noun
price vetik noun
print ubun verb
pronoun rete noun
protect bazen verb
protector orosh noun
purple vauvna adjective
put jisoan verb
pyjamas vezheri noun
question ingi noun
quiver shoker noun
rain fo noun
rainbow zhavis noun
read avingirin verb
receive aungerun verb
red kauk adjective
relationship eo noun
remember angaurin verb
restaurant shungkekau noun
return soimkin verb
rich kuyo adjective
rift manya yuno noun
ring (accessory) irvu noun
river ankiil noun
road ua noun
roll prata noun
royal yadano adjective
run atoshin verb
sad siito adjective
safe ugo adjective
salt astizh noun
same aloso adjective
say ashuan verb
scarf abringeisii noun
school shungyoja noun
scribery enkinisin noun
sea ioz noun
season ring noun
see nesin verb
seed yemshe noun
seem engifin verb
sell bapiilan verb
send pochan verb
sharp dino adjective
shelf dona noun
shield bazek noun
shit shranka noun
shirt yos noun
shoe hanig noun
shop thuyu noun
shoulder pofiv noun
show aufidin verb
shrine zumi noun
sibling choe noun
sick bedo adjective
side am noun
sight nes noun
sign (in sign language) okse noun
sign oksen verb
silver ipud noun
sister choe noun
sit dayonin verb
skirt aet noun
skull idzhiksa noun
sky ebavu noun
sleep zhazhizhen verb
small bi adjective
smile iflun verb
smoke hezhad noun
snow susuip noun
sock abringshochii noun
son oazhi noun
song alis noun
soot orgha noun
sound usuth noun
south kaenke noun
sparkly veto adjective
speak manyan verb
square (location) joyi noun
stable shungkare noun
stand yaterin verb
stay daukvin verb
steam thivia noun
steel azhyut noun
stick taite noun
stomach mengethi noun
stop eyuvin verb
storm esho noun
street ua noun
strong fidzh adjective
suit yoshbre noun
sun de noun
sword asos noun
take mean verb
talon arik noun
teach utamiin verb
team adzhul noun
tell yoifin verb
temple gathrun noun
thin omuso adjective
think ekein verb
thought ekei noun
throat oichi noun
throne furda noun
thunder durum noun
thunderstorm esho durum noun
tiger flower ayikti noun
toe taitechii noun
today ute noun
tongue shal noun
tooth avim noun
tourist pazene noun
town havek noun
train thoyath noun
train station enkethoyath noun
tram thobi noun
tram station enkethobi noun
travel lisi noun
travel lisin verb
traveller lisene noun
try areyin verb
tree kafu noun
trousers boser noun
turtle sugos noun
ugly rozhuo adjective
umbrella belle noun
uncle noa noun
understand uzhaun verb
underwear abringfeve noun
uniform palis noun
use then verb
valley thoan noun
vegetable efu noun
visit pazon verb
volcano ayuyoku noun
wake up oanin verb
walk kengon verb
want reshitin verb
ward (magic) ben noun
watch ukain verb
water vandal noun
wear atibin verb
wedding brenetazh noun
west naenke noun
what gaure interrogative
when gura interrogative
where giro interrogative
white nulii adjective
who gare interrogative
why geni interrogative
wild krotako adjective
win agrakin verb
wind alii noun
wisdom yoj noun
wise yojo adjective
wolf voash noun
wood (place) sekafun noun
wood (material) ibe noun
work alaga noun
work alagan verb
word thurn noun
write inisin verb
writing inis noun
young ariro adjective
youth arira noun