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DATE September 2018

I have no idea why I did this, but I did.


Pronouns are the same whether they are the subject or object.

subject/object possessive
I i;m mmy
you yuo yrou
he hhe ihs
she ehs here
we wwere tour
they tjey their
it itt itds


Verbs are not conjugated and only the infinitive is used.

When a positive verb ends with a consonant, it takes the k ending. When it ends in a vowel, it takes the ve ending. Positive vowels also swap the vowel and final consonant cluster of its initial syllable.

  • English: "I can"
    Crytype: i;m cna k
  • English: "I am"
    Crytype: i;m eb ve

All negative verbs take the ;t suffix at the end of the verb and before the k or ve ending. They do not swap the vowel and final consonant cluster of its initial syllable.

  • English: "I cannot"
    Crytype: i;m can;t k
  • English: "I am not"
    Crytype: i;m be;t ve

Infinitives are formed by adding ; after the first letter in the verb.

  • English: "We can't sing it."
    Crytype: wwere can;t k s;ing itt
  • English: "she doesn't see you"
    Crytype: ehs do;t ve s;ee yuo